About Me

I'm Alexandria Glynn, and I speak up for animals because they can't speak up for themselves.

I started To the Rezcue in January of 2014 simply as a school project, but not too far into the process, it blossomed into much more than I expected. So far, I've built a portfolio of photo documentation of the living conditions of dogs on the Navajo Reservation and had it displayed at a local venue, I have an internship with Ken Hibbard of LPCHS (I spend like every waking minute there), and raised money for the transportation of dogs from the rez to LPCHS. Next I will be personally taking a trip to the rez with LPCHS to catch dogs and bring them back to Durango to find loving homes. Along this journey, I've made life-long friends at LPCHS, discovered a hidden passion, and hopefully made a difference in some dog's life. My mission is to take a local approach on the issue of animal abuse/neglect to make the connection with my community that, "Wow. This is real." Animal abuse happens all over the world and it truly sickens me that a human could have the heart to mistreat a being like that. Many people look at animals not as another soul with emotions, but as disposable objects. I hope one day we can live in a peaceful world, eating a plant-based diets, and welcoming all life forms into our hearts with kindness.

I am also vegan, I have 2 dogs - Wookie and Tashi (our very own rez dog), I like rock music, my favorite food is peanut butter, my hobbies include painting, drawing, and kickboxing, and I hope to be an influential director one day and start my own rescue/shelter.

Wally & I


Just hung my pictures up at the Lost Dog bar & Lounge, Durango CO

Check out more of my stuff below!

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