Tuesday, June 17, 2014

5k Mutt and Strut at Purgatory

Saturday, June 14th was the 5k Mutt 'n Strut at Purgatory (Durango Mountain Resort). LPCHS was invited to have a booth during the event as well as owner of Durango Dogs, Marcie, came out to give some training tips. Ken, Marcie and I all came out, with 4 dogs to show off. We brought Muffin, Zeppelin, Hunter and Roxie to hangout and socialize. We had lots of free treats, candy, informational pamphlets and all that good stuff! Marcie also gave a showing with her dog, Keely, on proper ways to train your dog. It was super fun, and the dogs were a hit! I also photographed the event, most of the photos will be on facebook. Did you know they make doggie oreos? Yummmmmm.

View more pictures here.


 Marcie (Durango Dogs) showing off Keely's smarts!




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