Monday, June 16, 2014

Kayenta Rezcue Dogs UPDATE

Out of the 7 dogs we rescued last Monday, only 3 are currently on the floor at the La Plata County Humane Society. But only 2 of the 3 are healthy enough to be adopted. And those 2 are adopted! We returned after a long day to LPCHS, with River, Roxy, Honey, and Dara and her 3 puppies. Dara and her pups are being fostered right now so they aren't at the humane society just yet. Honey has a bad virus, so she is unable to be socialized until she is no longer contagious. Although, River and Roxie have adjusted AMAZINGLY. They're out in the play yard every morning running around and gettin dirty with the other dogs. 

On Friday, an amazing thing happened.

River found a forever home! Me and Ken had just gotten back from the 5k Mutt and Strut at Purgatory and I had noticed a few gals hanging with River in the play room, brushing her out so I introduced myself and gave them the back story on River. The girls made it seem like they were just spending some time with her, but once I finished my story I was bombarded with questions. And one of them was, "Can I adopt her?". I had to do a double-take. Only a week at the shelter and one of our precious Rezcue dogs has already found a home. River will be out of here Monday or Tuesday, after she gets fixed. It was a very happy day.

And today, Monday, another amazing thing happened.

Roxy found her forever home! A young couple came into the shelter today, previously in talks with Chris Nelson about our little girl Roxy. I noticed them in the play room hanging with Roxy, so I stepped in to share her little story with them. At first, they were unsure but as she described what she was looking for a in a dog, I knew immediately, Roxy qualified. The girl wanted a running partner, that will cuddle with her at night. And whaddya know - Roxy's the definition of a love-bug and still has plenty of energy to do her morning laps around the yard. Before long, she was sold. And not long after that, they walked out with their new best friend, Roxy.


The 2 girls are kennel mates and best friends!

(I have way too many pictures of River in an awkward tongue pose)
The girls are the new stars of the shelter - always the center of attention in the play yard!
River & Roxy with Hank
Even though Gracie wasn't part of our rescue, she is a rez puppy that has been at the shelter far too long.
Roxy in the car, on the way to Purgatory.

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