Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kayenta Rescue 6/9/14 (Plus a special sneak peak to my film)

No Luck

As you all know, me and Chris Nelson, Director of Animal Services (LPCHS) have been planning for a while to make a trip to the rez to pick up some dogs. For the past few months we have been asking for donations through my website to be able to fund this trip. Well, we came up with $350! Today was the special day. Departure set for 7am, trucks full of treats, and kennels in the bed, we set out for Shiprock. Driving through Shiprock, and stopping at a few gas stations on the way to Kayenta, we had zero luck. And I mean goose egg. We were practically driving all this way just to see desserts and poverty. But, things started to brighten up at the Mexican Water Trading Post. As we were pulling in, all of us had our eyes peeled for any 4 legged creature, and that's when I heard it, "BINGO". Chris spotted a dog in the shade around the back-side of the building. We approached them, and lord beholds 3 more of them!
We hung out for a few minutes and Chris went in to the gas station to ask if the dogs belonged to anyone. He targeted the black one, who was in heat. But of course, she was apparently the owner's pet. So we petted them, gave them treats, and some love and moved on. Guess what we found? Nada. It was defintely the wrong time of day, most dogs are more active in the evening.

Midnight / in heat




Kayenta Shelter

SO, we did what we could and stopped at the Kayenta shelter.... basically a box with a few kennels. It's depressing how small and poor the shelter was compared to the amount of dogs in need of help. At least they have a shelter and are trying. With a tour of the facility, 3 dogs and a small litter of puppies, we were off. All of these dogs are now available for adoption at La Plata County Humane Society.

P.S. Chris gave me the honor of naming them all. :)

River / Female
*Was not found at the shelter, we rescued her at the San Juan River

Mama- Dara ("gift" in Bulgarian)
Pups- Wyllow, Allie (the white & black ones, female), Morgan (gray & black, male)
Chihuahua/Heeler Mix

Roxy / Female

Honey / Female
Really bad case of ticks, was shaved and has a lot of bumps/scabs over her body. In time it will heal, besides, she's cute as a button!

We are Fortunate

It was really an eye opener not only seeing the Kayenta shelter compared to what I'm used to, LPCHS; but also seeing the neighborhoods where most of the population lives. House after house, broken windows and boarded windows, graffiti, vandalism, abandoned houses, you name it, we saw it. Many dogs were sitting on front porches, or in front yards, just laying there. We had to check a few dogs to make sure they were still alive. Some were able to find shade but others just lay there, chained up, baking in the sun with no water or food. It's a start seeing that dogs actually belong to some people, but that doesn't excuse the way they are treated. Dogs deserve so much more than a plywood dog house big enough for a small child and an occasional meal. We actually saw 2 dogs in a fenced in yard, despite the fact that there was no protection from the weather or food/water, at least some one bothered to actually put them behind a fence. It's ironic how many houses have fenced yards, but they choose to put the dog house in front of the porch, where the dog can just run free (if they aren't chained up). But, it is progress. 

Sneak peek to what's going to be in my movie....

Keep checking back in for more updates on my movie & our next trip to the rez!

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