Tuesday, June 17, 2014

5k Mutt and Strut at Purgatory

Saturday, June 14th was the 5k Mutt 'n Strut at Purgatory (Durango Mountain Resort). LPCHS was invited to have a booth during the event as well as owner of Durango Dogs, Marcie, came out to give some training tips. Ken, Marcie and I all came out, with 4 dogs to show off. We brought Muffin, Zeppelin, Hunter and Roxie to hangout and socialize. We had lots of free treats, candy, informational pamphlets and all that good stuff! Marcie also gave a showing with her dog, Keely, on proper ways to train your dog. It was super fun, and the dogs were a hit! I also photographed the event, most of the photos will be on facebook. Did you know they make doggie oreos? Yummmmmm.

View more pictures here.


 Marcie (Durango Dogs) showing off Keely's smarts!




Monday, June 16, 2014

Kayenta Rezcue Dogs UPDATE

Out of the 7 dogs we rescued last Monday, only 3 are currently on the floor at the La Plata County Humane Society. But only 2 of the 3 are healthy enough to be adopted. And those 2 are adopted! We returned after a long day to LPCHS, with River, Roxy, Honey, and Dara and her 3 puppies. Dara and her pups are being fostered right now so they aren't at the humane society just yet. Honey has a bad virus, so she is unable to be socialized until she is no longer contagious. Although, River and Roxie have adjusted AMAZINGLY. They're out in the play yard every morning running around and gettin dirty with the other dogs. 

On Friday, an amazing thing happened.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kayenta Rescue 6/9/14 (Plus a special sneak peak to my film)

No Luck

As you all know, me and Chris Nelson, Director of Animal Services (LPCHS) have been planning for a while to make a trip to the rez to pick up some dogs. For the past few months we have been asking for donations through my website to be able to fund this trip. Well, we came up with $350! Today was the special day. Departure set for 7am, trucks full of treats, and kennels in the bed, we set out for Shiprock. Driving through Shiprock, and stopping at a few gas stations on the way to Kayenta, we had zero luck. And I mean goose egg. We were practically driving all this way just to see desserts and poverty. But, things started to brighten up at the Mexican Water Trading Post. As we were pulling in, all of us had our eyes peeled for any 4 legged creature, and that's when I heard it, "BINGO". Chris spotted a dog in the shade around the back-side of the building. We approached them, and lord beholds 3 more of them!

Sunday, June 8, 2014


The 12th annual Adopt-a-thon at La Plata County Humane Society was a booming success despite the fact that we were competing with River Days. Although, we did not reach our goal of 60, we adopted out 52 cats and dogs! We were out there selling hot dogs and hamburgers, doing a pit bull pool party and getting a mighty sunburn (caution: do not underestimate the power of the sun). As Pit Bulls for People, an organization run by 2 fellow interns at LPCHS, were out and about getting dogs adopted and volunteering for the big event, we decided to hold a pit bull pool party! Pit Bulls for People works to change perceptions of the breed, as well as get pit bulls at the humane society adopted. We had Griz, Yohan, Harley Quinn, Zuis, Maddie and even Rocky (even though he's not pit) out there having a blast. Even though the dogs had to make do with our wimpy kiddie pool, they managed to keep cool and strut their stuff for all the people who came out to support.
 Willow & Morgan (Pit Bulls for People), Trent, Rachel and I hanging out with the pits!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

What is To the Rezcue?

Let's start off with an introduction.

Hi. My name is Alexandria Glynn and I will be entering my junior year this fall. I have 2 passions in life; animals and film/photography. My sophomore year was a year of discovery. Yes, I got my first camera when I turned 12, yes I grew up with a dog and always connected with 4 legged creatures, yes I've always known what I love... but this year was special. I've always had compassion for animals (and not to sound crude, but it doesn't bother me when humans die in movies, but if it's the dog.... then god, i lose it. I was a wreck when Dobby died in Harry Potter, he counts as an animal right?). And I'm always the person behind the camera, never in front. I have 2 dogs, Wookie, wheaten terrier, and Tashi, rez dog. Of course I don't eat meat, I'm your stereotypical animal rights advocate but I've stepped it up a notch and successfully and completely become vegan. I also enjoy rock music, drawing, painting, netflix, and peanut butter.